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“Duplicating act of kindness in order to create colorful world for young learners.”


​How to help

Volunteering and donating is a great way to make a positive impact in the lives of the children. By attending these activities, children are able to learn new skills, make friends, and have fun in a safe and supportive environment. You can support the group by volunteering your time to help us with activities or events, or by making donations in the form of money or in kind. Your contribution, no matter how small, can make a big difference in the lives of children and help them grow and thrive.

The Goals of Hopeful Hopes

  • To promote reading and literacy among young learners by providing access to books and creating reading programs that encourage a love of reading.


  • To engage in community outreach activities such as feeding programs, community service, and other forms of assistance to help families in need.


  • To promote environmental awareness and engage in clean-up drives to help keep the environment clean and safe.


  • To provide health and wellness programs to young learners and their families, including physical fitness, hygiene and mental health support.


  • To create program or activities that address the needs of young learners to emergency and disaster preparation.


  • To provide awareness through trainings or workshops to young learners, parents, and members of the group.


Through these activities, Hopeful Hues aims to make a positive impact in the lives of young learners and their families, and to build a stronger, more connected community.

Scope of the Program


Number of Public Schools in Lucena City


Elementary :43

Highschoool: 13


Target number of Feeding Program recipients: 13, 480


Target number of struggling/non-reader for Reading Program : 2,800


Target number of classrooms needing emergency kit: 1, 480


Target number of participants for trainings: 3, 000


Number of Schools for Clean-Up Drive and Brigada Eskwela Partner: 56


Total population of Learners:

(waiting for update)


Total population of School Staff (Teaching/Non-teaching):

(waiting for update)


Current Number of Volunteers: 15


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